Mastema Mod Wiki

Desecrated Heart is an activated item from the Mastema mod.


  • Can be used if the item has at least 1 pip of charge.
    • When used at full charge, guaranteed to remove 1 broken heart.
    • When used at less than full charge, chance to either remove a broken heart or deal 1 full heart of damage.
      • The chance is dependent on the current charge of the item. For example: if used when there's 8 pips of charge, there's an 8/12 (75%) chance to remove a broken heart, otherwise it'll deal a full heart of damage.
      • The item's charge will not be depleted if it fails to remove a broken heart, allowing you to try again or wait until it's fully charged.
  • Charges by clearing rooms and taking damage.
    • Fake damage, such as from Dull Razor, is the only damage source that won't cause the item to gain any charges.
  • Cannot be overcharged or charged with battery pickups.


  • This isMiniTMastema Tainted Mastema's unique starting item and does not appear in any item pools.
  • Desecrated Heart can't be used if the player doesn't have any broken hearts.


  • Car Battery: 2 broken hearts are removed instead of 1. Still only deals 1 full heart of damage when the chance fails.
  • Habit: Gain 2 charges when taking damage instead of 1.